Well, that wraps up another deer season in Northern Michigan. I've never hunted harder. I hunted every day of the season. It was tough up here. I saw deer every time but the cards just didn't fall for me. I passed on a small buck opening day and saw a whopper on the third day that just didn't want to get eaten. Saw a six point chase does across the river--wasn't ready.
Probably the highlight of my season, besides the whopper, was a hunting trip down the Mason Tract on the Au Sable River's South Branch. It was like stepping back in time. Grouse flushed across the river, eagles followed us downstream, ducks jumped around every few bends and mink, herons, and muskrats kept us alert to all movements. We kicked up 4 deer in the thick stuff and never fired a shot. But it was a perfect afternoon on the river and the thought of sliding into the landing with a racked buck kept us quiet and moving slowly . . . kept us eager.
Certainly time well spent. I suppose hunting is a lot like fishing; the results aren't always the reward. I'll take the memories.